The Arizona Women’s Ministry is a sisterhood of women from different backgrounds, churches and seasons of life who are committed to standing in unity, walking by faith and impacting our world.
One Ministry, Two Languages
In this season God is calling us to expand this sisterhood and we are excited to launch something new!
For many women the only thing holding them back is the language – so we are excited to host events and gatherings throughout the year for the Spanish speaking women in Arizona! We cannot wait to see what happens as we create space for these women to build community, worship and have life-changing encounters with God! The Arizona Women’s Ministry is now one ministry two languages!
El Ministerio de Mujeres Arizona existe para ayudar a las mujeres a permanecer unidas, vivir su fe e impactar nuestro mundo.
En esta temporada, Dios nos está llamando a expandir esta hermandad y estamos emocionadas de lanzar algo nuevo. Para muchas mujeres, lo único que las detiene es el idioma, por eso estamos emocionadas de organizar eventos y reuniones durante todo el año para las mujeres hispanohablantes de Arizona. ¡Estamos ansiosas por ver qué sucede conforme creamos un espacio para que estas mujeres construyan una comunidad, adoren y tengan encuentros con Dios que les cambien la vida! ¡El Ministerio de Mujeres Arizona ahora es un ministerio en dos idiomas!
Fall Retreat
Our annual fall retreat is the perfect opportunity to escape the heat, step away from the distractions, connect with God and take a deep breath. There will be opportunities to meet new friends, attend breakout sessions, worship around the campfire, enjoy outdoor activities and go deeper in our faith.
Imagine Conference
The Imagine Women’s Conference is the perfect girls night out for you and your friends! Join us as we gather together for a time of worship, are inspired by incredible speakers and transformed by a God that can do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine! There will be coffee, shopping and lots of fun surprises throughout the night.
Dream Team
The Arizona Women’s Ministry couldn’t function without the amazing volunteers on our Dream Team! This team is made up of women from various churches around Arizona who come together to make an impact. We are kingdom-minded and truly believe we are better together.
Adventure Trips
Our journey with God should be an adventure - so we’ve created opportunities throughout the year where women can step out of their comfort zone and connect with God in nature. Some of these trips include hikes, backpacking, camping, white water rafting and more!
We are passionate about partnering with ministries, missionaries and organizations so together we can impact the world for Jesus!
Bridging the Gap
It’s a movement. A sisterhood. An investment in the Arizona Women’s Ministry so we can reach women throughout our state and beyond!
Our Director
Lindsay Petri is an author, speaker and church planter with a heart for leading women into the healing truth of Jesus. She is passionate about helping women and available should you need anything on your journey!